As Acarsan Holding, we are aware of the most important value is “ human resource” to be able to compete in changing market conditions and developing technology.
Our main principle is to increase and develop perfectness and performance in all operations. We employ people according to their skills, we do not make any discrimination to nationality, colour, language, ethnic origin, political views, maritual status or gender. We perform pricing, social relief and promotions accordingly. We take regulations and laws which are in the effect into consideration while determining work hours; also overtime is based on voluteering. Normal and extra working hour payments are according to law.

As a company, respecting personality and honour of any employee, being away from institutional punishment, being intolarable to verbal, physical and physchological harassment are our main principles. At the stage of becoming a World Brand, providing equality of opportunities to each individual constitutes milestone in our human resource approach by strenghtening our employees motivation.

Our Human Resource Policy composed with this vision meets manpower need in terms of strategic plan and goals of our group; also aims to provide evaluation and sustainability of this power in an efficient way. In line with our policy, our main goal is to carry the productivity at the highest level by providing our employees the opportunities of training and improving theirselves.

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